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QTC-VR's first research paper has been shortlisted for the Best Oral Abstract at the 2024 European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Conference (CCMTV Oncology Channel, 2024/6/1)

A randomized controlled trial recently conducted by Professor Xu Song's team from the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Tianjin Medical University General Hospital has scientifically verified the effectiveness and feasibility of virtual reality technology (QTC-VR) in pain management after VATS surgery. Due to its outstanding research results, this study has been shortlisted for the "Best Innovative/Experimental Abstract" competition at the ESTS conference, organized by the European Society for Thoracic Surgery. Only six studies worldwide have been selected. Professor Xu Song's team has been invited to present at the conference, and their professionalism and forward-thinking approach have been highly recognized by the session chair.

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Dr. Xu Song's Team from Tianjin Medical University General Hospital Presented the First Research Results on QTC-VR at ESTS 2024.(Medlive Thoracic Oncology Channel, 2024-5-30)

The 2024 European Society for Thoracic Surgery (ESTS) conference has been grandly held in Barcelona. At this conference, Chinese scholars announced their groundbreaking research results in key areas such as lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and tracheal cancer. These achievements not only promote the continuous development and innovation in the field of general thoracic surgery but also highlight China's exceptional capabilities in scientific research and clinical practice, contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to the progress of the global medical community.

A randomized controlled trial conducted by Professor Xu Song's team at Tianjin Medical University General Hospital confirmed the effectiveness and feasibility of immersive virtual reality designed by QTC (QTC-VR) intervention in postoperative pain management after VATS surgery. Researchers randomly assigned patients with a postoperative pain numerical rating scale (NRS) score ≥4 to the QTC-VR group, placebo-VR group, and control group in a 1:1:1 ratio. All patients received standard analgesic treatment. Patients in the placebo-VR group watched a 10-minute 2D relaxation film through VR headsets, while those in the QTC-VR group participated in a 10-minute interactive pain-relief 3D VR program through VR headsets.

Data from a total of 45 patients were used for final statistical analysis. There were no significant differences among the three groups in terms of age, gender, smoking status, education level, thoracoscopic surgery method, and baseline pain intensity. Patients who received the QTC-VR intervention experienced significant pain relief on the first, second, and third days post-surgery. Compared to patients in the placebo-VR group, those who received QTC-VR showed improvement in the impact of "pain interference with relationships with others" on the second and third days post-surgery. Additionally, the impact of pain on mood, sleep, enjoyment of life, walking ability, and general activities improved on the third day post-surgery.

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Dr. He Jianxing (China) and Dr. Cassivi (Mayo Clinics, U.S.) co-hosted ESTS-Grillo Award Ceremony, Highlighting QTC-VR Research as One of Six Global Finalists (AME Research Time, 2024/5/27)

The 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) was held from May 26 to 28, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain. As an annual event for thoracic surgeons from many developed European countries, the ESTS showcases regional collaboration and integration, having a broad and profound impact on the thoracic surgery community in Europe and globally. One of the highlights of this year's conference is the ESTS-Grillo Award. Established in 2009 in honor of Professor Hermes Grillo of Harvard Medical School, the award recognizes groundbreaking and innovative research that advances the field of thoracic surgery.

The first research paper on QTC-VR has been shortlisted as one of the six global finalists for the Best Innovative/Experimental Abstract. The award ceremony was co-hosted by Professor He Jianxing from the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and Professor Stephen Cassivi from the Mayo Clinic in the United States. This collaboration underscores the evolving global cooperation in the field of thoracic surgery.

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